Friday, December 10, 2010

Lots of Dots

Beatrix pretended to sleep while I ran errands, but as soon as we got home and unzipped  - she couldn't hold it in any longer.


I have 3 short and jagged lashes on each eye, so seeing this is a pleasant surprise.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

When Mom Dances

This is the reaction I got when I was dramatically dancing to Christmas music.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Waiting for Dad

Just waitin' for Dad, fillin' my hands with air, plumpin' 'em up, seein' if I can get 'em as big as my head.

Oh, Hey There

I almost didn't notice you. Come on in. I'm just takin' some time to myself. Trying to get away from it all, especially that woman without any makeup on, taking my picture all the time.