Monday, November 12, 2012

twist and shout

what's a zombie cake!?


It's a delicious cake that your husband gets you on your birthday, BUT it turns your child into a zombie. I was literally slapping my thigh with hissing laughter. And you know what? You know what that made the zombie do? It made her slap her thigh and laugh. 

super dawg

My birthday was Sunday. After Bea's swim lessons and after Cordelia had a poolside blowout, we went to Superdawg for lunch. It was a gorgeous day and we ate outside in the sunshine and whipping wind.
Cordelia was napping.
Bea talked about the dancing hot dogs.

She then ate her entire meal. But that was only after Scott took a bite. It was such a threatening bite.

On the way home we split a Strawberry Malt and told Bea it was a treat. She then said "Sunday in a cup". Weird right?

playing together

Sunday morning B and C were sitting and playing with the doll house together. O-M-G. I'd say it was 90% pure, innocent sisterly playtime. The other 10% was Bea NEEDING anything that Cordelia was holding.

harold and the purple crayon

 Getting adjusted before the show.
We took Cordelia and Bea to see Harold and the Purple Crayon Saturday afternoon. I was a smidge concerned over the teensy chance we could cause a scene. Well, we caused a scene, but it was due to severe enjoyment. Cordelia jumped and shouted most of the time. Bea was on the edge of her seat acting as if she were part of the show. She was just like that woman that you shush at the movies. At one point she was mimicking a cast member and roaring with laughter. It was such a great time.

check me out

Cordelia is 6 months. I really really cannot believe how fast time has gone. She has been rolling back and forth for awhile and now she can sit, babble, SHOUT and laugh - a lot. Cordelia has also been making slight crawling movements! Eeks!