Minocqua 2014. The weather was perfect. The kids...almost perfect. Lots of laughs and great conversation. So lucky to be able to have something like this to look forward to every year.
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I have so many pictures of these three. They each play such a different role. Bea is thrilled and tells all her friends that these are the "big girls".
Post dinner adventure time for the kids.
This handsome group had matching tiger dego-tees on.
Since some of the kids are not quite big and/or brave enough to go solo, piling into Big Mabel became a popular option. It was all safety in numbers until Uncle Michael flipped a trio that was supposed to be unflippable. Not because of their skill, but because of their young impressionable age.
"Olivia hold this beer please" I said. As soon as she grabbed a hold, I swear Bea and Esme scooched away. Avoiding eye contact.
This says it all doesn't it? Coon cap and Opossum, plus a dangerous position on the bridge while yelling something aggressive.
Paul Bunyan is just such a great place for breakfast. It really satisfies everyone's needs.
There is a little but of a bond growing with Bea and Lucia. It could be one sided and just Bea being conveniently interested. But I still think it is sweet.
There was lots of deep water swimming with the kids. Why don't they make ALL life jackets in neon colors. The orange ones are fine and all, but most kid's ones are not nearly bright enough. Anyways, one of the highlights of the trip is just being out on the water. This year it was in no short supply.
Now this next batch of pictures is really hard to explain. Well, It's a ladies theme night. Really the only way to get all the ladies out on the town. And if we have to go to extreme Kathy Bosski measures to do it, so be it. This year Kathy Bosski did Disney.
This is IT. Bea's most treasured photo.
Taking over The Yacht Club is also something I look forward to. I used to be all high strung about it. Not anymore man. Let 'em play foosball. Let 'em play foosball until someone gets their eye poked out. Cordelia got her shoulder and then someone else got it in the eye.
I just love the Coco/Evie interactions.
Cordelia does a lot of talking about O and E. But then there is this whole other side of her that is over-the-moon with Emmett and Leo. Just some buddies hanging out by the camp fire.
This year we shared a cabin with Iggy and Maeve, and their parents. How cute that these two found each other at the dinner party and sat down.
When Scott rides Big Mabel he likes to dance. Here you will notice that the arms that should hold the children safely in their seats have now moved behind the children. This is to allow for maximum range of motion of his legs for high kicks on the open water. This also encourages the children to inch forward to the edge of the tube.