Saturday, February 19, 2011

happy valentine's day!

When we picked Bea up from daycare, they had this waiting for us. A goody bag, a valentine to Bea from her teachers and this photo valentine card from Bea to us! We also did I teeny art project before we headed home. There were some pics taken and I hope to get my hands them somehow.


At first Bea was a little unsure of the Peter Pan collar. It kind of made her look like a tulip ready to pop. But I convinced her to try some neck exercises to help stretch it out.

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Bea got some nifty wrist rattles from her Grandma Nancy. They are a fine distraction to tummy time when soaked in Blue Moon, or just perfectly fine the way they came. Dry and crinkly like my forehead (not Bea's).

sausage casing

I love LOVE this little sleeper on Beatrix. The tighter - the better. I love how the pattern gets streeeetched and thinned out in the thigh area.