Thursday, November 4, 2010

Go Horse

That's what some Hoosiers say when rooting for the Colts. Although I don't think Beatrix is there yet. Maybe she won't even be a Colts fan? Gasp, there I said it. Somehow I don't think her dad will let that happen.

No Costume This Year

For her first Halloween I thought it would be easier to just dip into the seasonal hand-me-downs instead of trying for an actual costume. Next year Beatrix should be ready for mustaches and stuffed nude-suits.

The Fakeout

Sweet Bea was all bundled up and "sleeping" on the way to her first doctor's appointment. Once we got her into the room and undressed...kaPOW.


When we got home from the hospital, the Bleskins met us at our house. Aimee and Marc were like a swat team. Some sort of modified post-baby swat team that comes in with food, booze, hand-me-downs, advice and cute kids. It was great. Beatrix got to meet her first wave of cousins while I asked Aimee hundreds of questions in between mouthfuls of enchiladas and sips of Dark Lord Beer.

Beatrix Fallyn Pearson has arrived

After making herself far too comfortable all up in my womb, it was time that Baby Pearson came out. On October 21st at 2:52 pm the little chunk came in at 10 lbs 8 oz and 22 inches long! Here are some great pictures that Aunt Megan snapped a couple of days later.