Thursday, November 4, 2010

Go Horse

That's what some Hoosiers say when rooting for the Colts. Although I don't think Beatrix is there yet. Maybe she won't even be a Colts fan? Gasp, there I said it. Somehow I don't think her dad will let that happen.


  1. Oh Bea sy it aint so, this is Bears country. I'll be sure to get you a new hoodie before you realize whats happening.

    The first Creepy on board

  2. Love this picture! Great Aunt Ann hopes Beatrix
    is Colt's fan,

  3. Baby Beatrix, the big kids Knudsen have been fed St. Louis Cardinals kool-aid since both were a twinkle in their daddy's eye. You don't have to root for all of the Chicago teams... as long as you're not a Packers fan, and as long as you still like the Blackhawks.

    p.s. Thank your mama for me for starting this lovely little blog. I like it.
