Monday, March 7, 2011

woah ho ho the big 6-0

Grandma Nancy is 60? Say whaaat?!
Heh, that sounds alright. Birthdays mean parties, and I like those. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GRANDMA!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Bea's Bappy

Bea's gown was borrowed and super vintage. Made from my Grandma June's wedding dress, my mom and her siblings also wore it at their baptism.

Beatrix was telling Grandma Nancy her secret to squeezing her biceps through the delicate armholes.

Godparents Kevin and Katie Rose.

Come on.

Party time.

Great views of Wrigley.

Megan made petits fours. Ridiculous and all gone. Sorry Scott.

Beanut made herself right at home.

So sweet. Vivi and her honey posing before she had to leave for "that business meeting."

Beatrix celebrated her baptism this past Saturday. It was absolutely perfect. We had a great group of family and friends join us at Saint Mary of The Lake and then Rockit Wrigley. Neat neat neat. My Dad did a little research and found out that the architect of the church was the same one from St. Edmunds, where we got married, oh tears. Which is also where Aimee, Annie and Auntie Barb got married and my Dad and his sibs went to grade school and where my Grandma Urs was a parishioner until she passed away. What a great unexpected connection. Here I thought it was just a cool church close by. It even has the same stained glass windows.

doh dee doh

I decided to wear a little bit of this, and a little bit of that.

sparkly leggings, sweater and a cap

drumsticks and booties to kick

reddish hair and a sweater so thick