Bea has been so verbal lately and most of it is funny. Some of it is funny, but shouldn't be.
She was playing with a rock. A special rock we brought back from Nice that looks like a finger. Finger rocks are keepsakes. She started banging it on the glass table. The first time, I asked her to stop. The second time, I said I would take it away if she did it again. The third time, Scott took it away. As you might imagine, she was upset. Scott explained to her why this happened and summed it up with "Mom and Dad mean business". Bea's response...NO BUSINESS.
When Cordelia was born, Bea pronounced her name "Deeya". This lasted for the first couple month or so. Then it evolved to "CorDEEYA". Without even realizing it, I too was pronouncing her name that way. This weekend Bea finally got it right but it is dramatically right. Coordeeleeah. Sometimes she adds and extra flourish, Coor dee lee lee ah. And anything that remotely sounds like Cordelia gets the same treatment.
Scott was peeling a clementine for Bea and from another room I heard her softly singing "oh my darlin' oh my darlin' oh my daaarlin' clementine".